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Exchange of Spanish Driving License

Exchange of Spanish

Driving License

Agreement between the Kingdom of Spain and the Republic of Panama

Table of equivalence between driving licenses of the Kingdom of Spain and the Republic of Panama (Annex No. 1)

Categoría A2Tipo B
Categoría BTipo C
Categoría C1Tipo D*
Categoría CTipo F*
Categoría C+ETipo G*
Categoría D1Tipo E2* (No aplica a extranjeros)
Categoría DTipo E3 y F* (Extranjeros sólo tipo F)


To exchange the Spanish driving license for a Panamanian driving license, you must meet the following requirements:

  • The exchange of a Spanish driving license for a Panamanian driving license is a one-time process.
  • No tests are required if you choose categories A, B, and C.
  • Remember to check the validity of your Spanish driving license.
  • This type of transaction is done in person by appointment and can be carried out in all branches nationwide.
  • On Saturdays, some branches may not have a cashier, so the license processing fee can be paid through the ATM network and online banking (depending on your bank’s availability).

All driving license procedures are conducted in person.

To carry out your procedures, it is essential to schedule your appointment through licencia.com.pa

*Seniors, retirees, pensioners, and individuals with disabilities do not require an appointment.


  • Original and copy of the valid migration card.
  • Original and copy of the valid ordinary passport according to the nationality described in the migration card.

Important: If you are Panamanian or a foreigner with E- or N-type ID, you must present the original and copy of the valid personal identity card. Note:

  • Present the original driving license from your issuing country, valid with the security features indicated by the Spanish government. We do not accept deteriorated licenses. *This license must be surrendered for the driving license exchange to take place.
  • Certification of the driving license issued by the Embassy or Consulate of Spain in Panama.
  • Verification of the license, stamped and signed by the Embassy or Consulate of Spain in Panama.
  • Authenticate the signature of the certification and verification of the Spanish driving license at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Panama.
  • In case your license does not indicate blood type, you must present blood type and RH factor from a laboratory authorized by the Technical Council of Public Health of Minsa (You must present a legible seal and signature from the technician or laboratory technician, document number, and full name).

*If you want to apply for category D, you must present a negative result for drug consumption (marijuana and cocaine). It must indicate the full name, ID number for nationals, and passport number for foreigners, with the seal and signature of the medical technologist or laboratory technician. It is valid for six (6) months from the date of issue of the document.


  • Payment must be made at the branch where you started your process.
  • All documentation provided must be in good condition and without deterioration.
    *Applies to all requirements.
  • All documents presented must comply with security guidelines.
  • For anyone applying for a driver’s license from the age of 70, a certificate of good physical and mental health must be presented by a doctor specializing in internal medicine or geriatrics. The document must have the full name, unique identifier number: ID for nationals and passport for foreigners, seal, and fresh signature of the doctor. It is valid for six (6) months from the date of issue of the document.
  • Every foreigner registered under a limited migratory status can only opt for categories A, B, and C.
  • The issuance of the driver’s license is conditioned on compliance with the traffic regulations and that all requirements are valid at the time of the document’s printing.
  • Names and surnames must match or be identical on all documents or requirements presented.
  • For foreigners with temporary residence, the validity of the driver’s license is determined by the expiration of the migration card or up to four (4) years; whichever comes first.
    Anyone from the age of seventy (70) can opt for a driver’s license with a validity of two (2) years.
    If you have an active payment arrangement, the validity of the driver’s license will depend on the clause established with the A.T.T.T.
  • Once your process has started, it must be completed at that branch.
  • You must not have accumulated more than fifty (50) points in your driving history at the time of requesting the procedure. [Requirement by Law 146 of April 15, 2020, starts from May 15, 2020]
  • Foreigners with a new document number: to process a driver’s license after a change of identity document (passport to passport, passport to ID, ID to passport, or ID to ID), records must be updated to the new number:
    Vehicle registry (vehicles to be updated)
    Minor offenses (pending must be paid, and payment arrangements must be updated to the new document number)
    Weights and dimensions (procedures for vehicles to be updated or related to your name must have completed all processes, i.e., withdrawal of cards and payments)
    Traffic courts (restrictions and police reports must be resolved or updated to the new number).
  • Licenses issued with age restrictions will not be homologated, nor will international licenses.
    “Licenses with categories for driving public transportation do not apply, article 113 subsection b.1. requires “Being Panamanian.”


  • Original and copy of the valid migration card.
  • Original and copy of the valid ordinary passport according to the nationality described in the migration card.

Important: If you are Panamanian or a foreigner with E- or N-type ID, you must present the original and copy of the valid personal identity card. Note:

  • Present the original driving license from your issuing country, valid with the security features indicated by the Spanish government. We do not accept deteriorated licenses. *This license must be surrendered for the driving license exchange to take place.
  • Certification of the driving license issued by the Embassy or Consulate of Spain in Panama.
  • Verification of the license by the Embassy or Consulate of Spain in Panama.
  • Authenticate the signature of the certification and verification of the Spanish driving license at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Panama.
  • In case the license does not indicate blood type, the blood type and RH factor result must be presented by a laboratory authorized by the Technical Council of Public Health of Minsa (Must have a seal and fresh signature from the medical technologist or laboratory technician, document number, and full name).
  • Present a negative result for drug consumption from a laboratory authorized by the Technical Council of Public Health of Minsa. The result must indicate the full name, ID number for nationals, and passport number for foreigners, with a seal and fresh signature from the medical technologist or laboratory technician. It is valid for six (6) months from the date of issue of the document.
  • Present the certificate of good physical and mental health with a fresh signature and seal from the doctor. It must indicate the full name, ID number for nationals, and passport number for foreigners. It is valid for six (6) months from the date of issue of the document.
  • Carry out visual, auditory, theoretical, and practical validations.
  • Cost of the procedure https://www.sertracen.com.pa/costos-de-licencia/
  • Must be in good standing with the A.T.T.T.


  • Payment must be made at the branch where you started your process.
    All documentation provided must be in good condition and without deterioration.
    *Applies to all requirements.
  • All documents presented must comply with security guidelines.
  • For anyone applying for a driver’s license from the age of 70, a certificate of good physical and mental health must be presented by a doctor specializing in internal medicine or geriatrics. The document must have the full name, unique identifier number: ID for nationals and passport for foreigners, seal, and fresh signature of the doctor. It is valid for six (6) months from the date of issue of the document.
  • Every foreigner registered under a limited migratory status can only opt for categories A, B, and C.
  • The issuance of the driver’s license is conditioned on compliance with the traffic regulations and that all requirements are valid at the time of document printing.
  • Names and surnames must match or be identical on all documents or requirements presented.
  • For foreigners with temporary residence, the validity of the driver’s license is determined by the expiration of the migration card or up to four (4) years; whichever comes first.
  • Anyone from the age of seventy (70) can opt for a driver’s license with a validity of two (2) years.
  • If you have an active payment arrangement, the validity of the driver’s license will depend on the clause established with the A.T.T.T.
  • Once your process has started, it must be completed at that branch.
  • You must not have accumulated more than fifty (50) points in your driving history at the time of requesting the procedure. [Requirement by Law 146 of April 15, 2020, starts from May 15, 2020]
  • Foreigners with a new document number: to process a driver’s license after a change of identity document (passport to passport, passport to ID, ID to passport, or ID to ID), records must be updated to the new numbe:
    – Vehicle registry (vehicles to be updated)
    – Minor offenses (pending must be paid, and payment arrangements must be updated to the new document number)
    – Weights and dimensions (procedures for vehicles to be updated or related to your name must have completed all processes, i.e., withdrawal of cards and payments)
    – Traffic courts (restrictions and police reports must be resolved or updated to the new number).
  • Licenses issued with age restrictions will not be homologated, nor will international licenses.
    Licenses with categories for driving public transportation do not apply, article 113 subsection b.1. requires “Being Panamanian¨.

Note: This type of procedure is done in person at all branches by appointment.


  • Original and copy of a valid migration card.
  • Original and copy of a valid ordinary passport according to the nationality described in the migration card.

Important: sIf you are Panamanian or a foreigner with a type E or N ID, you must present the original and a copy of a valid personal identity card.

  • Present the original driving license from your issuing country, valid with the security features indicated by the Spanish government. We do not accept deteriorated licenses. *This license must be surrendered for the exchange to take place.
  • Certification of the driving license issued by the Embassy or Consulate of Spain in Panama.
  • Comparison of the license with the signature and fresh seal from the Embassy or Consulate of Spain in Panama.
  • Authenticate the signature of the certification and comparison of the Spanish driving license at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Panama.
  • In case the license does not indicate blood type, you must present the blood type and Rh factor result from a laboratory authorized by the Technical Council of Public Health of the Ministry of Health (Must have the seal and fresh signature of the medical technologist or laboratory technician, document number, and full name).
  • Present a negative result for the consumption of marijuana and cocaine from a laboratory authorized by the Technical Council of Public Health of the Ministry of Health (Must indicate the full name of the user, unique identifier number: ID for nationals and passport for foreigners, seal and fresh signature of the laboratory technician).It has a validity period of six (6) months from the date of issuance of the document.
  • Carry out the visual, auditory, theoretical, and practical validation.
  • Cost of the procedure https://www.sertracen.com.pa/costos-de-licencia/
  • Must be in good standing with the A.T.T.T..


  • Payment must be made at the branch where you initiated your procedure.
  • All submitted documentation must be in good condition and without deterioration.
    *Applies to all requirements.
  • All presented documents must comply with security guidelines.
  • For anyone applying for a driver’s license from the age of 70, a certificate of good physical and mental health must be presented by a doctor specializing in internal medicine or geriatrics. The document must have the full name, unique identifier number: ID for nationals and passport for foreigners, seal and fresh signature of the doctor. It has a validity period of six (6) months from the date of issuance of the document.
  • Any foreigner registered under a limited immigration status can only opt for categories A, B, and C.
  • The issuance of the driver’s license is subject to compliance with the regulations of traffic rules and all requirements are valid at the time of printing the document.
  • Names and surnames must match or be the same on all documents or requirements submitted.
  • For foreigners with temporary residence, the validity of the driver’s license is determined by the expiration of the migration card or up to four (4) years; whichever occurs first.
    Anyone aged seventy (70) or older can opt for a driver’s license with a validity of two (2) years.
    If you have an active payment arrangement, the validity of the driver’s license will depend on the clause established with the A.T.T.T.
  • Once your procedure has started, it must be completed at that branch.
  • There should not be an accumulation of more than fifty (50) points in your driver’s history at the time of requesting the procedure. [Requirement by law 146 of April 15, 2020, starts to apply from May 15, 2020]
  • Foreigners with a new document number: to process a driver’s license after any change of identity document (passport to passport, passport to ID, ID to passport, or ID to ID), records must be updated to the new number:
    Vehicle registration (vehicles to be updated)
    Minor infractions (pending fines must be paid, and payment arrangements must be updated to the new document number)
    PWeights and dimensions (procedures for vehicles they maintain or that were related to their name must have completed all their processes, i.e., the withdrawal of cards and payments)
     Juzgados de tránsito (restricciones y partes policivos deben estar resueltos o actualizados al nuevo número).
  • Traffic courts (restrictions and police reports must be resolved or updated to the new number).
    “Licenses with categories for driving public transportation do not apply, article 113 subsection b.1. requires “Being Panamanian.”
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